Martin Bass
Chief Technician
Martin Bass is a Seasoned IT specialist, with over 30 years of hands-on experience in PCs, Windows (from 3.0 through 10 and all the flavors in-between), and even DOS. He has extensive applications experience, and an uncanny knowledge of computer hardware, peripherals, networks and internetworking. He spent 10 years in the UK running a business selling computers to journalists as owner/ partner, so has developed infinite patience with users. Put simply – he is our Head Geek.
E-mail: martin@protechniq.com
Phone: (503) 336-4509

Sarah Bass
Office Manager (Part-Time)
Sarah is Martins wife and his right hand. She is almost as good with computers as she is with the furry creatures she takes care of at Hart Road Animal Hospital. Her first love is animals but since computers came into her life as part of Martins work she has learned how build her own PC and is currently learning the horrors of Micorosft Excel.
E-mail: sarah@protechniq.com

Alpha Pug
Max is our rescue pug. He was brought into Sarahs clinic by his owner who, because he had run into the road and had been knocked down by a car, wanted to put him down. Sarah rescued him and he has been one of the family ever since. Unlike his sister Ivy, he is badly bred, has wonky eyes, a strange uncurly tail and a trick hip, but he is so loveable, he makes our day.
E-mail: max@protechniq.com

Princess Pug
Ivy is our princess pug. She was acquired from a good breeder, has great confirmation, a correctly formed double curly tail and an I-am-perfect-so-you’d-better-treat-me-that-way attitude. Her Kennel Club name is “Sulen’s Devonshire Cream Tea”.
E-mail: ivy@protechniq.com

Notta Pug (Actually a Portugese Podengo Porqueno!
Tigger is also a rescue but this time we found him out in Hood River… He was from Eastern Oregon and was rescued from a hoarder. He sits up like a meerkat and can jump up to waist height (he’s only about 10lbs) when he’s excited… like he has a spring in his butt. (Hence “Tigger”)
E-mail: tigger@protechniq.com

The Geek
Being Geeky
Our cheerful Computer Geek was designed by Don Wallace of Wallace Creative, Inc., and embodies what we feel are our most marketable traits. Our friendly service and know how, along with our geekish ways of ever loving technology and tech toys. Our Geek eats, sleeps and breathes in the technical world of Computers.
His expertise enables him to uniquely identify and fix all your computer problems and make suggestions to help improve your computing environment.