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Archive for the ‘Fixes’ Category

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Farmville Tired Fingers

If you are anything like me – you like the cuteness and easygoing gaming of farmville but HATE HATE HATE the stupid acceptance thing they make you go through at the beginning of the game where you thank everybody. I’ve never found out if it helps or hinders the game if you skip it so I feel duty bound to click that accept/help button anything from 200-400 times. Repetitive Strain Injury causing so it is.

Getting fed up I wondered if there was an easy way to make the computer click the mouse for me. Not during the game – but just to agree to those 300-400 stupid pop-ups at the beginning; and I found it in the simple piece of software and a little scripting.

The software is available here: AutoHotKey.

1. Click on the download and run the install.

2. When it finishes installing choose Run AutoHotKey
It should say “Your script it running in the Background”
And you will have a small green H showing in the notification area at the bottom right.
(click on the little white up arrow if it doesn’t show up)

3. Right Click on the small green H and choose edit this script. A script shows up in notepad.
Use cut and paste to add the script below in the blue box to the bottom of the script in notepad

4. Save the notepad script and close the window.

5. Right click on the H again and choose reload this script.

6. Now you have a hotkey script that when your farmville starts – you put your cursor on the first button – note the number of messages in the little red envelope and hit Win+Q. The script will ask you how many times to click the mouse and you enter the number of messages. Hit enter and it will do the clicking for you.

mynum1 = 1
InputBox mynum1, “Mouse Clicker”, “Enter # of Mouse Clicks”
if ( mynum1 < 500 ) AND ( mynum1 > 0 )
Loop %mynum1%

Fixing Windows 7 exe Links

If you find that you have malware issues that have disabled your running of executables in Windows 7, the following page will walk you though downloading the registry fix.

Don’t click the DOWNLOAD button.

Scroll down until you find the “exe” link and click on that. When the file has downloaded, right click the file and choose Merge. Click OK. Then reboot.

Seven Forums Executable Reg Fix

Solved:Vista wireless not connecting properly

Over the past few years, since Vista came out, I have on numerous occasions found that a new laptop – or a re-installed
laptop will not connect to the local wireless system in a customers home.

The SSID is discovered correctly, and it will accept the password, but no matter what I would do it would NOT connect to the internet and get to the point where it asks if this is a home or business internet. (And thus the customer could not access the web, nor get emails)

Initially this just seemed to be an incompatibility between the wireless network card and the router because in all circumstances the laptop would work on another network.

I discovered this fix whilst working on yet another system which absolutely HAD to work with the current router, so after a lot of digging I found this Microsoft KB article explaining how to fix it automatically or manually. The KB article explains exactly why this fix is necessary and why it does NOT occur in Windows 7.

Protechniq Blog


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